Discovering Sales Leadership Through Coaching

Store sales just shot right up!
Andrew Foo, Senior Store Manager from The Nuance Group talks about the double digit growth in the business when staff implemented the 'Six Steps of Best Selling' and adapted to their customers colour energies.
Click here to view the Nuance Group Case Study
Sales Effectiveness Program Fact Sheet

Success Coaching Program Fact Sheet

Sample Personal Profile

Contact us about this Program
Transform your Sales Managers into Sales Leaders by giving them the communication, relationship building and coaching skills they need to motivate and inspire outstanding results from their sales teams
You will learn how to coach your teams to achieve outstanding sales results by applying specific coaching techniques in the context of your teams natural psychological preference and strengths at each stage of the sales process. You will also learn to coach your team to overcome challenges and take their capability and sales results to the next level.
Do you want to:
- Revitalise your sales team and inspire and coach individuals to set Goals and achieve consistently higher levels of performance?
- Provide your Sales Leaders with a proven and effective toolkit of resources and skills which will empower them to coach their teams to achieve greater sales success?
- Instil a 'Coaching Culture' in your sales organisation?
- Empower your sales leaders to mentor their sales teams and inspire their people to exceed their targets by improving their attitudes, skills and behaviours?
- Consistently deliver improved sales results long after the initial training is over?
Discovering Sales Leadership through Coaching is an essential program of development for Sales Leaders wanting to take their skills to the next level. Participants receive the personalised Insights Discovery® Effective Selling chapter, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses at each of the Insights Discovery® six stages of selling (complimentary to most organisations sales models). Individuals learn how to leverage their natural behavioural (psychological) preference, style and strengths at each stage of the sale and how to overcome challenges that may be blocking success. This modular program focuses on the Coaching skills necessary to inspire more effective behaviours and attitudes necessary for superior sales success and customer satisfaction.
Sales Leaders learn to coach their teams to maximise their sales effectiveness by engaging all four Insights® colour energies as relevant to the customer throughout the six stage sales process:-
- Before the Sale begins (preparation)
- Identifying Needs
- Proposing the Solution
- Dealing with Buying Resistance
- Gaining Commitment
- Follow-up and Follow-through

At the heart of the Program is the Insights Discovery®
Learning System.
Example Program Overview
Day 1: Insights Discovery Personal Effectiveness Program
Introduction to the Insights Discovery model, your Personal Profile and relevant learning guides.
Homework: Participants review their Personal Profiles and get feedback from close family or colleagues. They also review their Learning Guides and observe their clients in the subsequent weeks and document a description of their behaviours according to the four Insights Colour Energies.
Day 2: Effective Selling with Insights Discovery
Effective Selling focuses Participants on:
- Sharing their experiences of recognising the Insights Colour Energies in their customers, frequently citing examples of how this has already improved their sales results!
- Building their skills at 'Recognising Type' and 'Adapting and Connecting'
with their customers - Reviewing their Personalised Effective Selling chapter in their Personal Profile and orienting this to their Organisations sales process
- Creating a list of Do's and Don'ts for each stage of the Sales process for each of the four Colour Energies
- Practising how to use their new skills of 'Adapting and Connecting' through a demo Sales process and setting a relevant GOAL for development
Homework: Participants further review the Effective Selling Chapter of their Personal Profile and the additional Learning Guides/Workbooks and prepare for their one-on-one Coaching session with their Line Manager.
Day 3: Sales Leadership Through Coaching, Giving & Receiving Feedback
Sales Leaders are introduced to the key Steps of 'Best Coaching', what it means to be a good coaching manager and why this is important to their organisation.
Participants review and role play the Insights Discovery:
- G-WAVE model for Goal setting
- D4 model for giving constructive feedback
In groups of three (Employee / Coach / Observer), participants practice the different styles of coaching (Trainer, Facilitator, Autonomous) to explore the relevance and impact of the different approaches on employees.
The Insights Discovery Personal Profiles are reviewed in the context of Coaching i.e. Effective Selling chapter and the Management chapter to highlight the individual’s style of selling, management and motivation. The Blind Spots page brings to light any unconscious patterns that may come into play when coaching others.
Sales leaders practice a planned Coaching intervention with one of their employees.
Homework: Participants schedule and conduct a live Coaching session with a staff member to agree performance improvement goals and then subsequently to observe the employee (as agreed) in action, in preparation to give one-on-one feedback.
Optional Day 4: Practical Selling with Insights Discovery
(if appropriate, e.g. in a Retail context)
Participants practice their skills in a supervised and supportive environment on the shop floor or in suitable pre-selected environments.
With a focus on the practical transfer of learning and reward of experiencing immediate results, this day is completely dedicated to practical integration of the new Effective Selling strategies.
Practical Selling focuses participants on:
- A group review of homework
- The key sales skills they will be using and preparation for the sale
- Practical exercises in teams of two (Sales Person and Observer) to alternatively practise their skills and give each other feedback
- Group sharing of successes and lessons learnt together with any tips that need to be revisited
- A competition for the highest grossing Sales for the day and a review of progress
- How to keep the learning alive and an end of day celebration!
Our approach is high energy, interactive and fun. We also encourage reflection and group discussion to allow a clear sales action plan to be developed.
Program Resources
Program resources can include:
- Insights Discovery Personal Profile: Foundation, Management and
Effective Selling chapters - Workshop Journals: Discovery - An Introduction and Discovering Sales Effectiveness
- Learning Guides:
The Psychology of Self Understanding, The Keys to Personal Effectiveness,
Recognising Type, Insights into Influencing, Effective Communication,
Giving and Receiving Insightful Feedback - Job Aids (A6 size cards as memory joggers for key information and tools that
support implementation) - Insights Coloured Blocks
- Additional forms and observation sheets to support Sales Managers to embed the learning and practice of Coaching their sales staff's success to embed learning and retention
Customised to your needs and budget this program is best delivered in a modularised multi-day format (ideally over 3 or more days).
Options also include on-the-shop floor skills transfer, on-going coaching and online learning modules.
Suitable for Sales leaders wishing to take their sales teams to the next level using a focused Coaching approach
Contact us today!
We look forward to understanding your needs and working with you to empower your Sales leaders with new Sales Coaching skills that will grow your business and profits!

What our clients say...
This has resulted in a much more effective Sales Force
Implementation of the Best Selling program including the Insights Discovery® Sales Effectiveness solution represents the largest investment that Nuance Group has ever made in it’s people as well as a major cultural shift that affects every aspect of our business. This has resulted in a much more effective Sales Force that is able to maximize opportunities with their customers as well as Leaders that have confidence in Sales Coaching. This has been evident in the increased effectiveness as recorded by our unique Best Selling Mystery Shopping program that covers 27% of our sales force every quarter.
Richard East, Head of Organisational Development, The Nuance Group Australia

Every event was unique and highly successful – tailored to meet our needs at the time. The team spirit and culture that you helped us build was the envy of other external teams! Chris Gabriel, Director Optus
Our Profiles
- Get your Personal Profile
Complete the Online Evaluator - Insights Discovery® Personal Profile
- Insights Discovery® Transformational Leadership Profile
- Insights Discovery® Full Circle Profile
- Insights Discovery® Young Adult Profile
- Insights Discovery® Young Adult Profile - From a Teachers Perspective
- Order Profiles and Products
- Learning Aids
- Recommendations
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Insights® Connections logon
(For Accredited Practicioners only)
Our Programs
- Workshop Facilitation
- Personal Effectiveness Program
- Team Building Program
- Launchpad for Change Program
- Discovering Leadership Effectiveness
- Success Coaching with
Insights Discovery® - Discovering Team Effectiveness
- Discovering Sales Effectiveness
- Discovering Sales Leadership through Coaching
- Insights Discovery® Accreditation
- Insights Discovery® Accreditation Renewal
- Accreditation Schedule
- Discover Yourself with Colour
- Why Choose Insights Discovery®?
- Insights® Success Stories
- Validity and Psychological References
- Insights® Global Offices
- Insights® History
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PO Box 161, North Sydney,