Insights Discovery® Personal Profile & Live Webinar Debrief
(Family and Friends Exclusive Offer)

"This has been fantastic for us...
Australian Fitness First MD Pete Manuel talks about Insights Discovery®...
Insights Discovery®
Personal Profile Factsheet

Sample Insights Discovery®
Personal Profile

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Insights Discovery® Personal Profile Exclusive Offer
We have never offered this to individuals before!
Normally only available to organisations as part of a corporate package,
we are delighted to extend this exclusive offer to family and friends of our
valued clients.

This is a unique opportunity for you to share the engaging,
reinforcing and transformational experience of an Insights Discovery® Personal Profile with a close friend or loved one.
You can buy your Profile right here:
(when asked, please enter the Referral Code: ID-FF-DEC11)
An Insights Discovery® Personal Profile is wonderful Investment in you, it will help you to:
- Know and understand yourself and others better
- Improve your personal effectiveness and ability to get results
- Discover a common language of understanding and interaction that enhances every communication
- Gain a new perspective on yourself and others that disolves limitations and expands possibilities.
Apart from the user-friendly approach of Insights®, another strength is its focus not just on knowing yourself but also on recognising others, adapting your style, and connecting accordingly. This makes Insights Discovery® an extremely useful tool in improving interpersonal effectiveness.
To receive your profile, you will only need to spend 15-20 minutes to complete a 25-frame on-line evaluator. This will generate a 20 to 40 page profile which literally 'captures you to a tee' and will give you a detailed understanding of your personal style, preferences, strengths, weaknesses and how all this is impacting your relationships in both your personal and business environments.
What's in the Insights Discovery® Personal Profile?

Each profile includes the Foundation Chapter which introduces you to your personal style and approach, key strengths and weaknesses, value to the team, preferred communication style, possible blind spots, opposite type and suggestions for your development.
The Profile can be extended with additional Chapters which support ongoing learning and development across a range of specialised areas (Management, Personal Achievement, Effective Selling and Interview Chapters).
The Debrief
This live 60 Minute Webinar will cover the key essentials of the Insights Discovery model of understanding self and others:
- The power of perception
- The Four Insights Colour Energies
- Understanding Your Insights Discovery Personal Profile and Graphs
- Questions and Answers
- Taking Action and setting a Personal Goal

Participants will learn the meaning of and how to use the four Colour Energies (Fiery Red, Cool Blue, Earth Green and Sunshine Yellow) to enhance their interactions with others.
They will explore their own Personal Profile Bar Graphs and fully interpret their relevance and hidden meaning.
The opportunity to ask questions will further support understanding. The Webinar concludes with a focus on practical application through setting a personal goal for improvement.
The Insights Discovery® Profile is:
Simple: A simple, memorable, highly potent colour system that sticks!
Unique: Everyone is unique and so is your Insights Discovery Personal Profile
Positive: Written in a positive, supportive language that promotes an 'I'm OK, you're OK' perspective
Current: Continually updated and assessed by leading authorities for statistical validity and accuracy
Helpful: Assists individuals to gain a better understanding of their style and how this impacts on others
Beneficial: Enables people to develop their interpersonal skills, improving team performance and creating a positive, productive cultural environment
Memorable: Because it is easy to understand and remember, immediate and long-term application and improvements are both achievable and far more likely!
Please contact us if you'd like to discuss your specific needs and how the Insights Discovery® Personal Profile can be the perfect catalyst to support you and(or) your loved ones development and growth.

What our clients say...
I gained a new job promotion!
I gained a promotion/job more in line with what I have been wanting for years. The Insights Discovery® Profile provided an insight into the different types of personalities, enabling me to recognise those different types and interact with them accordingly. This has been particularly useful for team work. Overall the Insights Discovery® profiles have delivered better communication between individuals and groups.
Business Initiative Manager, Optus

I would love my friends to get one done for themselves
Two weeks after I sat down and made myself read it and I love the earth green I wouldn't want to be anything else. I know we are a rainbow of colours but the green is quite dominant in me and all the good and not so good things is exactly who I am, how I approach people, who I feel comfortable with etc., so for me the Insights Personal Discovery report was great. I would love some of my friends to get one done of themselves. In fact I would love my husband to as I fear he could be a RED!
Suzanne Grant, Administration, Oilsearch

Like holding up a mirror!
The Insights profile - like holding up a mirror - thought someone had been talking to my mum! Particularly liked the Blindspots and Communication sections - really relevant to the workplace and interacting with others. I'd be wary of people taking these reports as justification for 'this is the way I am so live with it' - should be used more as a starting point for people to address their weaknesses and be able to adapt to have a better understanding of where others are coming from. In this respect, when used properly, it's a great tool with a lot of potential.
Dave Calder, ASA Oilsearch Manager

Insights Discovery® was awesome!
"The Insights program was amazing. It was great to watch my peers faces whilst reading their results - it was just like watching a penny drop", "The insights Program was fantastic", "Insights was so good", "Insights gave us a clear picture of our weaknesses as well as a better understanding of fellow staff", "I really enjoyed the Insights session. I think it was interesting to learn about the different energies and how that applies to us as individuals and a team both personally and professionally", "Insights taught me about what I could improve on within my workplace and how I manage others", "I feel the Insights information is invaluable. Well done Fitness First on making the investment", "The Insights Profile Summary was awesome, very accurate", "Loved the evaluation by Insights", "The Insights Profiling was fantastic", "Insights was fantastic!! - A really good tool to help HOD teams and departments work on relationships and productivity with each other. Good fun session too", "Insights was gre at! Its not often we are given time to do personal development things with highly qualified trainers/people. Its something that people can take away and use in all parts of life", "Insights Workshop was fantastic along with the personal programs done for each memeber of staff. I personally got a lot out of this which will greatly benefit how I interact with my staff", "The insights session was excellent", "Insights was just such an eye opener to everyone - very informative I learnt alot about myself", "I absolutely loved the individual personality profiles we were given. I consider it to be a valuable to tool which I can use to manage myself, my staff and vice versa. Thankyou Fitness First for making that investment!", "I felt Insights was something that everyone could take away and allow to impact their business", "Insights was great, learnt so much about myself and my staff, it was important but had fun at the same time. I was very impressed that Fitness First took the time and money to do this for their staff", "The insights profiles were fantastic, it gives me some valuable tools to get to know my HOD's better and to understand the best possible management styles to adopt when coaching them", "I loved the personality profiling, and I really appreciate that Fitness First care enough to give us such a great program", "I loved the personlaity Insights Program and would like to do it with my entire team if possible", "The motivational speakers and Insights were great to get you feeling inspired again...all the facilitators and speakers were pumped, which was great to see the energy!", "I loved the Insights program. It was interested and the presentation was filled with fun and educational. Its always good to learn how others act, work and communicate with others of different characteristics"
Twitter messages from participants of OZMO 2011

Every event was unique and highly successful – tailored to meet our needs at the time. The team spirit and culture that you helped us build was the envy of other external teams! Chris Gabriel, Director Optus
Our Profiles
- Get your Personal Profile
Complete the Online Evaluator - Insights Discovery® Personal Profile
- Insights Discovery® Transformational Leadership Profile
- Insights Discovery® Full Circle Profile
- Insights Discovery® Young Adult Profile
- Insights Discovery® Young Adult Profile - From a Teachers Perspective
- Order Profiles and Products
- Learning Aids
- Recommendations
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Insights® Connections logon
(For Accredited Practicioners only)
Our Programs
- Workshop Facilitation
- Personal Effectiveness Program
- Team Building Program
- Launchpad for Change Program
- Discovering Leadership Effectiveness
- Success Coaching with
Insights Discovery® - Discovering Team Effectiveness
- Discovering Sales Effectiveness
- Discovering Sales Leadership through Coaching
- Insights Discovery® Accreditation
- Insights Discovery® Accreditation Renewal
- Accreditation Schedule
- Discover Yourself with Colour
- Why Choose Insights Discovery®?
- Insights® Success Stories
- Validity and Psychological References
- Insights® Global Offices
- Insights® History
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