The Insights Discovery® Team Communication Guide

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Insights in one word...Transformational! brightsolid HR Manager, Katey Brown shares how Insights Discovery® helped brightsolid win the hearts and minds of it's people

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  • Insights Team Communication Guide

    The Team Communication Guide gives team members an insight into how best to communicate with each other

    Shortcut to Improved Team Communication

    It is a powerful enhancer to improving communication and interpersonal skills both within and beyond the team following in Insights Discovery program. Participants will share their top three communication Dos and Don’ts during the workshop for follow-up collation and sharing. Further relevant information from the Personal Profiles can be added to the Team Communication Guide following the program as a way of continuing the learning and benefits.

    Sharing Communication Dos and Don'ts

    Insights Wheel Mat

    During our Programs, we typically get participants to share their top three Dos and Don'ts with their colleagues. This is a wonderful exercise which clarifies (often for the first time) how each member of the team should and should not be communicated with!
    This exercise often creates dramatic improvements in team dynamics and effectiveness.


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